by Cat Renwick, category analyst, and Noah Rosenthal, category analyst, part of Monthly Retailer Category Tips

Connect with your community to let them know about the valuable over-the-counter resources you have available.

  • In addition to refreshing your diabetes department this month, start planning to implement an endcap for November, National Diabetes Month. Use your endcap to bring awareness to products from other categories (cross merchandising) that can be used by or are specially formulated for diabetes patients, such as cold & flu medications, skin and foot care items, throat lozenges, and more.pharmacist building endcap
  • Narcan became available as an over-the-counter medication earlier this year, reaching the market in Q2. Add this critical HRG three-star product to your first aid department assortment today if you aren’t already carrying it, and make sure your community knows that you stock it. Use in-store and at-shelf signage, your website, and other promotional tools to get the message out — especially if you are keeping it behind the pharmacy counter.
  • With Narcan being such an important medication that can save lives, consider offering educational and/or training sessions that will help inform your community on how and when to use it. Visit the Narcan website,, for helpful information.