From the desk of Colleen Volheim, category research and analysis manager, for the Focus on Fixtures blog series

In the retail industry, space management is a term often associated with optimizing the space within a store for sales. That means departments, displays, and products are merchandised in ideal areas so customers can easily find and purchase what they seek. Space management also refers to using software to create planograms, merchandising strategies, and perform data analytics, which is an area of expertise here at HRG.

When it comes to space management for fixture coordination, we are translating the electronic planogram files. Some fixture companies do not own the proper software nor have an in-house expert to be able to work with these files. HRG uses the planogram files provided by a retailer or a brand to extract the dimensions and  determine the number of trays, graphics, holders, clips, and space savers used in a new configuration. We also validate that everything the brand expects to fit on a wall will indeed fit, a definite must for seamless at-shelf retail execution.

space planning example

If we have a situation where it’s determined that everything doesn’t fit, our team of experts work with the brand to make the necessary modifications, saving critical money and time before fixtures are produced.

In a category with frequent changes to the assortment such as cosmetics, it is essential to eliminate inaccuracies in the planogram at the start of the process . If the section cannot be set as planned, key items may not make it to the shelf, and significant sales and profits are lost. The highly customized nature of the trays that display cosmetics means that you can’t just “squeeze a product in.” HRG’s retail expertise combined with deep knowledge of the software are required to establish business rules that ensure fit.

We can work with any size wall and any number and variety of pieces. Our clients provide their intended layout for the walls they are resetting, and through our space management software, we’re able to efficiently verify whether their layout will work.

Using our collaborative approach, we’ve partnered with stores and brands to streamline the process for all parties involved. We work with one company whose brand is distributed in several channels, including some mass retailers who have their own fixtures that have to be used for retail execution. Our team will review the retailer’s fixture database to find the appropriate trays in order to merchandise the products as the brand’s product planogram depicts.

Our project management skills are further employed as we coordinate with retailers on the brand’s behalf or with the brand on behalf of the fixture manufacturer.

Contact us if you’d like more information or to discuss your next project.